Homework is an essential part of the learning process and pupils who fail to complete homework regularly will not achieve their potential. All pupils are expected to develop the ability to extend and organise their own work, to search for information and to solve problems independently. The amount of time we expect to be devoted to homework increases from approximately three hours each week in Year 7 up to 2 hours a night for pupils studying examination courses in Years 10 and 11.
Pupils need to be given every encouragement to complete their homework in a quiet place where they are not disturbed and away from the distractions of modern life i.e. mobile phones, social media etc. If there are occasions when this proves difficult pupils are able to use our Aquinas Centre (the LRC).
Students access their homework tasks through Class Charts. It is visible on both the parent and student apps. If homework is not set in line with the published timetable, please bring it to our attention.
Homework Timetable 2023 - 2024
Class Charts Homework Calendar
For help with Class Charts for parents please click on the following link:
Class Charts Parent Guide - see pages 25-27 for linking pupil accounts for those with more than one child at the school
For help with Class Charts for pupils please click on the following link:
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