Wellbeing Guidance

Cardinal Allen Wellbeing Tiers

Kooth Guides

How to talk to you children about their feelings

Supporting your child during difficuly times

FAQ Guide to Kooth for Parents and Carers

Keeping you and your child’s physical and mental health well is very important

We hope that you are following the public health guidelines as they update regularly to best manage your health and take care of you and your family. 

The 5 ways to wellbeing are key principles to keeping ourselves well; connect, be active, take notice, learn and give – the simple concepts are key to keeping us emotionally healthy in everyday life.


It is important to stay connected to friends and family whilst the “physical” social distancing is recommended; to tackle this we can use social media, facetime, text, group chats, whatsapp etc… every day all day!

Be active

Activity and exercise is key to feeling good so go for a walk, jog, cycle, dance, put the music on, make some exercises up around the home, play games, do some gardening, bake, cook, interact as a family together and have fun.

Take notice

Take notice of your feelings and thoughts and practice some mindfulness strategies at home to help you manage and relax – see resources below for help on this.


Stimulate the mind, create opportunities to learn new things, read a book, learn how to sew, stich, a new game, access on line learning resources, complete school work, revision, work books.


Give yourself personal space and time to look after yourself – ensure you eat a healthy diet, exercise, stick to some routine and sleep well. Give your patience, time, smile and be kind.

Remember children learn and observe adults behaviours and emotions for cues on how to manage their own emotions during difficult times! TEAM – Together Everyone Achieves More.

Every Mind Matters Campaign

There are things we can all do to look after our mental wellbeing. Every Mind Matters can get you started with a free NHS online plan, showing you simple steps to help manage anxiety, to sleep better and boost your mood.
Get your own Every Mind Matters mental health action plan here.

The Mind Plan covers topics such as anxietylow moodstresssleepcoronavirus and advice for parents and children and young people. Click on the links for further advice, help and support.

Click here to access the '7 ways to Support Children who are Worried' document.

Helpline numbers

You can contact the below numbers if you have concerns over your child’s mental health
CAMHS - Children’s mental health services available for telephone support & face to face if required
Monday -Friday 9am – 5pm *Fylde & Wyre Tel 01253 957166 *Blackpool 01253 957160

CAMHS Resources - A collection of downloadable resources from CAMHS
CASHER - Out of hours – Children’s mental health support team available for telephone support and face to face if required.
Monday - Friday 5pm – 10pm Sat & Sun 10am – 8pm Tel 07810 696 565
Samaritans - 116 123
Hopeline UK - suicide prevention helpline for children - 0800 068 4141 text 07860039967
Childline - 0800 1111
YoungMinds - Crisis messenger - if urgent text YM to 85258

Useful websites

www.kooth.com - Online counselling service age 11-16yrs, children can also access education and general advice on mental health

To find out more about Kooth please watch this short clip here (password to open video is Kooth21!): Video about Kooth
www.youngminds.org.uk - Children & parents can access education, advice& support on mental health issues.
www.nhs.uk - Children & parents can access education, advice& support on mental health issues.
www.healthyyoungmindslsc.co.uk - Children & parents can access education, advice& support on mental health issues.
www.butterflyandphoenix.org - Organisation to help and support regarding self-harm

Useful apps

Headspace - meditation app
Calm - mediation and sleep app
7 cups - anxiety and stress chat
Smiling mind - mediation app

Coronavirus for kids

Please download this useful PDF document that will help you explain the Coronavirus to your children

Coronavirus for kids

Download this news article as a PDF here.