Pupil Premium
PPG Mission Statement
We strive to provide an outstanding education to the young people entrusted to our care in a Catholic, Christian way that makes certain that each one is individually valued and cared for.
In deciding how to use our Pupil Premium Grant, we draw upon the following sources:
Our combined professional experience of what works best
What is Pupil Premium Funding?
Pupil Premium funding was introduced by the coalition government in April 2011 to provide additional funding for looked after children and those from low-income families. Eligibility for the Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) was extended in 2012-2013 to those who had been eligible for free school meals at any point in the last 6 years (Ever6 pupils), those who have been looked after for more than six months, and to the children of service personnel.
The level of premium for 2020/2021 for each pupil is £955. For children that either are in care or looked after, the school receives an additional £2345 (Pupil Premium Plus) per pupil, and for those of service personnel, the premium is £310 each. The term “disadvantaged” is now used to cover all pupils in the aforementioned categories.
New pupils join this group throughout the course of the year as family circumstances change. Whilst the additional financial resource is not provided to the school immediately, staff are asked to embrace changes to the cohort in their daily work.
How we spend the PPG funding?
Schools receive the PPG direct from the local authority based on the number of looked after children, service personnel children, children eligible for free school meals and Ever6 children. For 2020-21, Cardinal Allen received £196,610. The funding will be used to support our main core aim of raising the attainment and progress of all pupils eligible for this funding, in either directly, or indirectly supporting their learning needs. The school will publish the use of this funding annually on the school website.
The Assistant Head Teacher (AHT) supported by two Assistant Disadvantaged Pupil Coordinators will have the day to day responsibility for overseeing the PPG spend and will endeavour to ensure that spending is always with a view to supporting that target group of pupils. The AHT will ensure that the school has successfully and accurately identified the current cohort of PPG pupils and that all staff know who those PPG pupils are.
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