Eco School
Cardinal Allen is proud to be a holder of 8 Eco Schools Green Flag awards over 17 years which demonstrates our commitment to environmental issues. In 2014 we were awarded Eco-Schools Ambassador status and in 2019 were awarded Eco schools National Secondary school of the year.
Our school grounds are now amongst the most biodiverse school grounds in the county boasting a woodland, an environmental corridor, a wildflower meadow, an orchard, an allotment, a remembrance garden and an apiary. Eco Club meets every Monday and Tuesday evenings.
Local Schools Eco Cluster
Locally, we drive Eco issues by hosting a large cluster of local schools. Coordinated activities include an Eco conference, an Eco fashion show, litter picks and an energy saving competition. In recent years we have facilitated numerous environmental trips for the schools in our cluster to Beacon fell and Stannah country parks, our woodland and The Museum of Science and Industry Manchester. Our Global warriors (CAFOD, Eco and Fairtrade groups) deliver sustainability assemblies throughout Lancashire.
A recent success of our cluster has been the restoration of the walking snake at Beacon Fell with our schools raising monies for its replacement in stone and helping with the carving of its body.
Our school apiary contains 4 hives. The profits from the honey and beeswax products the students produce are used to fund projects to develop the biodiversity of our local environments. Students have developed their own open source website
Local Community Eco work
Our Eco group also work closely with the Wyre Ranger Service, Willows Garden trust, Wyre Disability centre, Fleetwood Memorial Park, Fleetwood in bloom and North Fylde Rotary club to enhance our local environment. If you would like us to get involved with any local environmental issues or projects please contact Mr Harding at school.