Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium Strategy

PPG Mission Statement: We strive to provide an outstanding education to the young people entrusted to our care in a Catholic, Christian way that makes certain that each one is individually valued and cared for.

What is Pupil Premium Funding?

Pupil Premium funding was introduced by the coalition government in April 2011 to provide additional funding for looked after children and those from low income families. Eligibility or the Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) was also extended in 2012-2013 to those who have been eligible for free school meals at any point in the last 6 years (Ever6 pupils), those who have been looked after for more than six months and to the children of service personnel. The level of premium for 2016/2017 for each pupil is £935. For children that are either in care or looked after, the school receives an additional £1900 (Pupil Premium Plus) per pupil, and for those of service personnel the premium is £300 each. The term "disadvantaged" is used to cover all students in the forementioned categories.

29% of Cardinal Allen's pupils fall within this cohort, (27% in year 7, 30% in Year 8, 25% in Year 9, 25% in Year 10 and 37% in Year 11). This cohort is subject to change weekly by one or two students as financial circumstances change for families (figures correct as of November 2016). We publish a revised list of disadvantaged students on a monthly basis to all staff.

How we spend the PPG funding: School receives the PPG direct from the local authority based on the number of looked after children, service personnel children, children eligible for free school meals and Ever6 children. The budget received for this academic year is £205,030. The funding will be used to support our main core aim of raising the attainment and progress of all pupils eligible for this funding, in either directly, or indirectly supporting their learning needs. The school will publish the use of this funding on the school website annually.

The Senior Assistant Head Teacher (SAHT) supported by The Assistant Disadvantaged Pupil Co-ordinator (ADPC) will have day to day responsibility for overseeing the PPG spend and will endeavour to ensure that spending is always with a view to supporting that target group of pupils. The SAHT will therefore ensure that the school has successfully and accurately identified the current cohort of PPG pupils and that all staff are aware as to who those PPG pupils are.

Main Aims

  • Close the performance gap between PPG students and non-PPG students
  • Close the attendance gap between PPG students and non-PPG students
  • Offer a variety of additional enrichment activities to PPG students
  • Provide a quiet work space, specifically for PPG students to access before, during and after school
  • Ensuring resources, revision guides and other exam materials are made available to PPG students
  • Provide extra homework support for PPG students
  • Provide additional pastoral support for PPG pupils
  • Reduce the number of PPG pupil exclusions
  • Offer support to enable staff to have a clear focus on improving outcomes for PPG pupils
  • Quality Assurance Fortnight (QAFs), Pastoral meetings and Academic Board meetings will provide opportunities to assess impact of strategies on PPG pupils

Summary of PPG Action Plan 2016 2017

  • Extra mathematics tutorials led by TFA in the mornings before school.
  • Tutors appointed in Maths to support PPG students with 75% of their time used for PPG support.
  • Tutors appointed in English to support PPG students with 75% of their time used for PPG support.
  • Extra English tutorials led by JHA after school.
  • Opening of the LRC on one evening a week from 3.10pm to 6pm to provide a quiet area for PPG students to study. They will be supported by staff.
  • Develop compulsory DASCU (Dedicated After School Catch Up) which we have seen implemented at Brownedge St Marys in Bamber Bridge for PPG students.
  • Additional Literacy Support in KS3 from “Nessy” and “Accelerated Reader.”
  • Additional revision materials to be supplied to the PPG students.
  • Staff allowed to bid for money from particular subject areas from PPG funding.
  • Funding to be directed at Easter and Half Term revision schools and a concurrent reward trip to be organised.
  • Continue to develop how we present KS3 data on PPG to all stakeholders to make interpretation of KS3 data more manageable.
  • Develop enrichment activities for PPG cohort.
  • Nominate a PPG champion within each core department to report on PP progress within subject.
  • Assist PPG students with peripatetic music tuition.
  • Engage and communicate with parents using information from QAF cycles and Academic Board.

SHE/ARA November 2016

Download the PPG Action Plan for 2016-2017

Pupil Premium Grant 2016/17


Allocation for 2016/17 (provisional at this point £205,030
Year 7 Catch Up Funding 2015/16 (received in arrears) £10,000
Total £215,030



1. Year 7: 7L will continue for the least able in Y7 ~ this involves an additional teaching group and an adapted curriculum

2. Year 8: English will retain the seventh teaching group

3. Year 9: English, Maths and Science will retain the seventh teaching groups

4. Year 10: English will retain the five lessons per week for all teaching groups; Maths will retain the seventh teaching group; Science will retain the eighth teaching group and also increase to five hours per week for all groups

5. Year 11: Science will retain the eighth teaching group

This requires the timetable to include the following additional lessons:

  Year 11 Year 10 Year 9 Year 8 Year 7 Total
English - 7 x 1 1 x 3 1 x 3 1 x 6 19
Maths - 1 x 4 1 x 3 - 1 x 4 11
Science 1 x 4 1 x 5
7 x 1
1 x 3 - 1 x 4 23
RE - - - - 1 x 2 2
PPA           5.5
            60.5 Periods

Curriculum Staffing Costs

60.5 periods (2.42 fte) inc. oncosts £119,779
TLR for PP Science £3,350
SLT lead on PP £5,244
Total £128,373


Additional 0.2 fte - Maths £10,240
1 to 1 support - Maths £8,000
1 to 1 support - English £4,000
General intervention £5,000
Total £27,240

Pastoral Support

Part fund school counsellor for PP pupils referred £5,500
Pastoral Support Development Worker £30,981
Total £36,481


Curriculum £9,000
Music tuition £2,000
Other - for in-year developments £12,000
Total £23,000

Total expenditure £215,094

Pupil Premium Grant 2015/16


Allocation for 2015/16 (provisional at this point £193,210
Year 7 Catch Up Funding 2014/15 (received in arrears) £7,000
Total £200,210



1) Year 7: 7L will continue for the least able in Y7 ~ this involves an additional teaching group and an adapted curriculum

2. Year 8: English will retain the seventh teaching group

3. Year 9: English, Maths and Science will retain the seventh teaching groups

4. Year 10: English will retain the five lessons per week for all teaching groups; Maths will retain the seventh teaching group; Science will retain the eighth teaching group and also increase to five hours per week for all groups

5. Year 11: Science will retain the eighth teaching group

6. PE: Provision for pupils in need of additional support with health, nutrition and personal fitness

This requires the timetable to include the following additional lessons:

  Year 11 Year 10 Year 9 Year 8 Year 7 Total
English - 7 x 1 1 x 3 1 x 3 1 x 6 19
Maths - 1 x 4 1 x 3 - 1 x 4 11
Science 1 x 4 1 x 5
7 x 1
1 x 3 - 1 x 4 23
RE - - - - 1 x 2 2
PE - - - - - 5
Leadership           2
PPA           6
            68 Periods

Curriculum Staffing Costs

68 periods (2.72 fte) inc. oncosts £122,651
TLR for PP Science £3,254
Total £125,905


Additional 0.2 fte - Maths £10,008
1 to 1 support - Maths £12,000
1 to 1 support - English £6,000
Total £28,008

Pastoral Support

Part fund school counsellor for PP pupils referred £5,500
Pastoral Support Development Worker £29,609
Total £35,109


Music tuition £2,000
Other - for in-year developments £12,000
Total £14,000

Total expenditure £203,022

Cardinal Allen use of Pupil Premium for 2014-15

Pupil Premium Grant

Provisional allocation for 2014/15 £173,305

Year 7 Catch-Up funding £14,000

Total resources £187,305

Curriculum developments

1. Year 7: the inclusion of an additional teaching group and an adapted curriculum for some pupils
2. Year 8: English will retain the seventh teaching group
3. Year 9: English, Maths and Science will retain the seventh teaching groups
4. Year 10: English will retain the five lessons per week for all teaching groups; Maths will retain the seventh teaching group; Science will retain the eighth teaching group and also increase to five hours per week for all groups
5. Year 11: Science will retain the eighth teaching group
6. PE:Provision for pupils in need of additional support with health, nutrition and personal fitness
Total cost: £116,000


7. Maths: 12 hours per week of intervention £13,000
8. English: 12 hours per week of intervention £13,000
Total cost: £26,000

Pastoral developments

9. Pastoral Support: Part-fund a school counsellor £5,500
Recruitment of Pastoral Support Development Worker from 01 Sept 14 £14,100
Total cost £19,600
10. Leadership: management of Pupil Premium Grant £6,100
Total cost £6,100
11. In year developments (incl. trips, music lessons etc.) £19,605
Total cost £19,605

Total expenditure £187,305

Cardinal Allen use of Pupil Premium for 2013-14

We estimate that we will receive £142,200 in the current Financial Year (1st April 2013-31st March 2014). We have performed a very detailed audit of where our money has been spent with clear records pertaining to every pupil entitled to this additional support. In our spending plans we have included the employment of additional teaching support with extra staffing in English, Maths, Science and Physical Education.

Case Studies

  • Child A: Year 7 was uncomfortable for this pupil. Although an able pupil academically, there were problems interacting with peers and this led to some withdrawal and insecurity. Using PP funding, the pupil attended the Easter Camp and was given some intensive counselling over a short period. Further after school support in ICT was provided, and in several subject areas, the pupil soon became a leader within their teaching group. This pupil is now supporting others.
  • Subject based: Several pupils have benefitted from additional Music tuition paid for via PP funding. Some of this has come from peripatetic tutors and some via additional time (over & above extra-curricular activity) given after school. These pupils (6 in our internal records) are showing more confidence around school and we believe this is linked to improved self-esteem.
  • Extra-Curricular: The one week Easter Camp was a huge success with a larger group of PP pupils targeted for support. Benefits to pupils included:
    • Taking part in some sports not yet covered in Physical Education (PE);
    • Working in an inclusive and collaborative manner;
    • Working with pupils from different Year Groups;
    • Induction to Cardinal Allen for some Year 5 & Year 6 pupils from feeder Primary Schools. An improved sports performance in several activities leading to improvements in confidence and self-esteem;
    • Learning the concept of "winning" with medals etc.;
    • Improving confidence through team games;
    • Improving levels of fitness & having fun.

The Impact of PPG funding 2013-14


The key measurable indicator of the Impact of PPG spending and the key area of accountability is the published examination data for the school with the Dfe and RAISE Online.

The school also assesses the impact of engagement internally through departments and whole school level. All teaching groups are tracked in order to provide timely interventions. The academic board each half term identified any barriers to PPG progress and action them accordingly.

The Impact - Results

  • From 2012 to 2014 there is clear evidence that the gap between the school's disadvantaged pupils and 'other pupils' nationally has narrowed significantly for 5A* - C E&M, EBACC and English average point scores.
  • In the same time period the 'in school' gap has narrowed with respect to 5A* - C E&M, pupils achieving and exceeding expected progress in English and English APS.
  • It is predicted that the 'in school' gap for English will stabilise in 2015. However, the improved performance of both the disadvantaged and other pupils must be noted. The Mathematics gap is predicted to narrow following intensive intervention.
  • In 2014 school results disadvantaged pupils exceed all National attainment threshold measures and English Baccalaureate.
  • Between 2012 and 2014 the capped point score of the school's disadvantage pupils was well above the national figure for similar pupils.
  • Expected progress of disadvantaged pupils in mathematics exceeds the national figure for all starting points.

The Impact - Enrichment

The creation of a smaller teaching group in year 7 allowed for trips and resources to be accessed and the curriculum fun and engaging to the students who needed this support.

PPG involvement in our community projects and music tuition remains strong. Many students have benefited from pastoral support and financial support for trips/uniform/equipment.

The sporting opportunities were strongly developed in this year with high engagement form the PPG co-hort. Year 7 boys became Rugby Champions with 7 PPG students on the team. Similarly the Football team were finalists with 6 PPG students competing on the team.

The Easter school was extremely well received by pupils and parents. Over 30 pupils attended regularly, engaging in both enrichment and academic studies each day. Pupils self confidence and self-esteem was high, taking on leadership roles throughout the week. Parental feedback was very positive.

In Key Stage 3 funding was provided to improve the levels of the PPG students in Year 7, they had small group intervention and all students improved and made progress.